Sunday, May 31, 2015

Make-up Mayhem!

I was VERY excited to get my hair and make-up done for my sister's wedding yesterday. I even had pictures of how I wanted everything to look so it "should" go easy-peasy, right? WRONG!!!

The make-up artist, started with my overall foundation, which was fine. Things got shaky when she got to my eyes. I've always loved make-up but don't wear it on an everyday basis, mostly just for special occasions so I'm not an expert BUT I do know what looks good and what makes me look like a clown. She said she was done with my eyes so I took a look in the mirror and what I saw was startling. I said, "This DOESN'T look like the picture." and she "honestly" thought it looked like the picture (which is to the right) I showed her! YOU be the judge. Do they look the same? Or do I look like I got punched in the eyes?! Or a raccoon?! MY 6 year-old could've done the same job and it wouldn't have cost $85!


She "tried" to fix it but just made it worst. Eventually, the owner agreed that it DIDN'T look like the photo and said she could try to fix it BUT I would have to come back in two hours, which would make me late for wedding festivities. At this point I said "I" can fix it but I needed access to their make-up. So they did my hair, which was actually AMAZING and then agreed to let me fix the make-up myself. This is how it looked after "I" blended, lightened and actually copied the photo that I originally showed them. Then my make up artist offered to put on fake lashes which I agreed to. I mean, she couldn't mess THAT up, right? WRONG!!! When I left, the lashes came OFF (picture to the left) half my lid so I had to go to buy glue to, "once again", FIX what she couldn't do right in the first place. UGH.

Call ahead and find out how much experience the make-up artist has had BEFORE choosing one. Maybe even ask to see pictures of their previous work to help determine if you like their style.
Bring ALL of your own make-up just in case something like this happens.
Last but not least, know where the closest MAC make-up counter is in case you need a last minute make over. 

Note: I decided NOT to include the name of the salon because my sister (the Bride) goes there frequently and since I will NEVER return there, just wanted to share tips and my personal experience.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Toothless Thursday

My sweet Isabella lost her first front tooth at school yesterday. Unfortunately, we didn't realize it was gone until we were home. She was so upset at the fact that she wouldn't have something to place under her pillow that she cried hysterically until I offered to comfort her with rainbow sherbet ice-cream.

Solution: Write a note explaining to the tooth fairy what happened and I'm sure she will understand. I hear she is a very "wise" and forgiving woman. Ask your father.

Low and behold, the next morning there was a tooth-shaped note along with a heart-shaped origami dollar (she is also very crafty) from the tooth fairy.

The note read: Dear Isabella, congratulations on losing your first front tooth! And don't worry I will find it. Keep brushing, take care of your brother and listen to mommy. She is "very" wise woman.
Love-The Tooth Fairy